General Muriu Kahariri appointed new Chief of the Defence

By Antynet Ford

Lieutenant General Charles Muriu Kahariri is the new Chief of the Defense Forces (CDF) after he was today promoted to the rank of General by President William Ruto.

General Kahariri’s appointment comes two weeks after General Francis Ogolla died in a helicopter crash alongside nine other military officers.

President Ruto has also promoted Major General John Mugaravai Ornenda to the rank of Lieutenant General and appointed him Vice Chief of the Defense Forces.

Lieutenant General John Mugaravai Ornenda was the Kenya Air Force Commander prior to the appointment.

President Ruto has also posted Major General Fatuma Gaiti Ahmed to the Kenya Air Force and appointed her Commander and also posted Major General Paul Owuor Otieno to the Kenya Navy and appointed him Commander.

On the advice of the Defence Council Chaired by Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale, President Ruto has upheld the Council’s recommendations and made the following promotions, postings and appointments of KDF Officers;

Major General Thomas Njoroge Ng’ang’a has been posted to National Defense University and appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Administration and Finance.

Brigadier Peter Nyamu Githinji has been promoted to Major General and appointed Senior Directing Staff, Air at National Defence College.

Brigadier Jariani Kampare Gula was promoted to Major General and appointed Managing Director of Kenya Meat Commission.

Brigadier George Okumu was promoted to Major General and appointed Managing Director Kenya Ordinance Factories Corporation and Food Processing Factory.

Brigadier Samuel Kosgel Kipkorir was appointed Deputy Commander of Kenya Air Force.

The CDF position is occupied on a rotational basis by generals within the three military formations which include the Kenya Army, the Kenya Airforce and the Kenya Navy.

General Ogolla was from the Kenya Airforce and Kahariri is from the Kenya Navy.

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