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Out Of Classroom Learning Programme

By Erick Omulo, KICD Corporate Communication Officer The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development has enhanced its coverage and transmissions of the interactive radio and television lessons, dubbed Out of Classroom Learning Programme…

CBK to spend Sh100bn in bailing out SMEs

By CW Correspondent The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) says it is working with member banks on a scheme to cushion micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) against shocks arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the reserve…

Digital lenders open to scrutiny

By Steve Umidha For the past few years, Kenya’s fintech ecosystem has remained the apple of borrowers’ eyes, pouring millions of shillings in short-term loans and making it the hottest and probably the most insane investment activity in…

Car & General: Power for better living

Established in 1936, Car & General is the company behind a wide range of power generation, automotive and engineering products in East Africa. For over 80 years, the regional leader has supplied generators, motorbikes, ‘tuktuks’,…
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