Suspected Poacher arrested with 1.5M worth tusk

By Antynet Ford

Police in Kirima Olmoran, Laikipia County have arrested a suspected poacher with six elephant tusks in, Laikipia County.

The suspect was arrested after police raided his house at Olmoran shopping centre.

Police were alerted that the man was keeping the tusks in his house.

The six pieces of ivory, weighing 15 kg were concealed in two 90-kg and 50-kg sacks.

The suspect was detained and will be arraigned today.

Police said the value of the consignment is estimated to be Sh1.5 million.

The officers suspect that the elephants were killed from the nearby parks in Laikipia.

“The suspect will be charged with dealing in wildlife trophies of an endangered species without a permit or other lawful exemptions, contrary to Section 92(2) as read with Section 105(1) of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013.” Police said.

Poachers are still engaged in crime despite the stringent measures put in place to address the menace.

This has led to the killing of dozens of elephants amid ongoing campaigns against poaching.

Elephant tusks fetch a fortune in the black market as a surge in demand for ivory in the East continues to fuel the illicit trade in elephant tusks.

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