A 45-year-old Man Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison for Sexually Assaulting a Minor

A 45-year-old paedophile who subjected his 8-year-old nephew to a series of sexual assaults has been sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Malindi Senior Principal Magistrate Olga Onalo today convicted and sentenced Baya after finding him guilty of incest.

Onalo heard that Baya was a notorious predatory paedophile, who lured him to his room to perform the beastly act and later buy his silence with Ksh. 10.

In her judgement, Hon. Onalo noted that the beastly acts tortured the minor psychologically, emotionally and physically.

The magistrate stated that the prosecution through Suke Summaru discharged its responsibility of proving the case beyond any reasonable doubt.

Five witnesses including the minor testified and the court observed that evidence incriminated the accused.

Ms. Summaru pledged with the court to consider the severity of the effect the act had on the minor’s future life in general.

The minor, who suffered extensive injuries and trauma, testified that he was severely sexually abused after being lured to the perpetrator’s room.

The accused threatened to kill the boy should he dare to reveal anything to his parents or siblings and every time the accused would perform such an act, he would give the minor Ksh.10 presumably to buy his silence.

After word spread in the village, members of the public arrested the accused and took him to Gongoni police station, and he was later charged with incest.

The accused committed the offence on diverse dates in November 2022 at Pumwani Village in Magarini sub-county, Kilifi County.

Read also:- https://corporatewatch.co.ke/man-sentenced-to-26-years-imprisonment-for-defiling-a-13-year-old-girl/

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