Travel activities at Nairobi assembly suspended due to Cash Crunch

By Antynet Ford

Air-ticketing service providers for the Nairobi City County Assembly have halted their services following the cash crunch being faced by the city assembly.

This has led to the halting of foreign and inside-the-country travels and workshops by the speaker.

He suspended both domestic and foreign travels.

“In the face of the foregoing challenges facing air ticketing, I am constrained to approve any further processing of the said traveling. Accordingly, all scheduled foreign travels are hereby suspended until the Assembly can pay the service providers, more so, the service providers for air ticketing.” The speaker announced.

In a communication to the assembly, the deputy speaker Paul Kados on behalf of Ngondi said the assembly is yet to receive money to facilitate the activities hence the halting of everything.

He said the activities of the assembly have been affected as money has not been disbursed by the exchequer.

“The assembly has been facing challenges in cash flow in the recent past whose effect is that we are unable to pay for our services and suppliers on time as expected. In this regard, the service providers in charge of air ticketing services have halted their services and this has adversely affected the programs and activities of the assembly since we have had no receipts from the exchequer.” Kados said in the communication to the assembly.

The speaker said the committee schedules and meetings meant to happen in the next few weeks will be halted until when they receive money from the national government.

“I am aware that several Committee workshops are scheduled to take place in the coming weeks. Similarly, I am aware that several delegations are scheduled to attend official activities outside the country but they are all halted.” Kados said.

The suspension of travel activities of the assembly due to a cash crunch at city hall comes a few days after the assembly bought Sh33 million worth of mace.

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Travel activities

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