LREB Counties Urged to Embrace Digital Integration for Health Data Sharing

Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) counties have been encouraged to adopt digital innovations that facilitate the sharing of health and related data across various platforms. LREB Chairman and Kisumu Governor, Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, made the call during the opening of the Lake Region Digital Health Conference in Kisumu, emphasizing the critical role of technology in achieving inclusive Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Governor Nyong’o highlighted that digital integration is key to advancing UHC, noting that counties within the bloc must be ready to harness technology to improve health services. He pointed to Kisumu’s own journey towards UHC as an example, which saw the county transition to the Kisumu Social Health Insurance Scheme.

“I am a firm believer that primary health is the engine for universal healthcare, and establishing innovative health financing arrangements is crucially important to achieve progress towards UHC,” said Nyong’o. “Counties within the Lake Region Economic Bloc should learn from Kisumu’s journey towards achieving UHC.”

Since the launch of UHC in Kisumu in 2018, the county has employed digital tools, starting with the registration of all households via the M-TIBA platform. Through this initiative, approximately 850,000 residents were registered, providing a foundation for more accurate and comprehensive health service delivery. However, Nyong’o noted that the program’s success hinged on the development of a comprehensive community health information system.

“A near-accurate population profile ensures that you focus on the vulnerable, reducing out-of-pocket expenditure for health services,” he said. This data-driven approach helps in identifying at-risk populations and ensuring that health resources are allocated where they are needed most.

During his keynote speech, Governor Nyong’o announced that Kisumu County has now achieved full digitization of its community health system, thanks to a partnership with Living Goods, an organization dedicated to advancing health in local communities.

“I am proud to report that through our mutually beneficial partnership with Living Goods, Kisumu County has achieved complete digitization of the community health system,” said Nyong’o. “This transformation allows for better coordination, data sharing, and overall efficiency in healthcare delivery, which are essential to meeting UHC goals.”

The Lake Region Digital Health Conference brought together stakeholders from across the healthcare and technology sectors, focusing on how digital solutions can be leveraged to improve healthcare services in the region. Governor Nyong’o’s remarks set the tone for discussions aimed at exploring innovative approaches to health service delivery, underscoring the importance of collaboration and technology-driven solutions.

The LREB, comprising 14 counties in the Lake Victoria Basin, has identified health as one of its key sectors for regional development.

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