Julius Malema’s EFF Party Praises Kenya’s Anti-Finance Bill Protests

By Antynet Ford

South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, led by opposition leader Julius Malema, has praised Kenyans for their protests against the unsavory Finance Bill 2024.

In a statement released on Monday, the EFF expressed sympathy with Kenyan youth who have taken to the streets to oppose the Bill, which imposes ‘unbearable’ taxes on Kenyans.

While accusing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank of involvement in the suggestions, the party admitted that the Bill would increase the cost of living and strain the country’s economy.

“The 2024 Finance Bill is the product of a recommendation to the Kenyan government by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. This is, therefore, part of a bigger dilemma confronting many developing countries under the weight of IMF and World Bank debt,” according to the statement.

“The IMF and World Bank have a notorious history of undermining the sovereignty of developing countries through their oppressive loan conditions, and treating African economies like lab rats for neoliberal templates.”

Malema’s party went on to claim that these international organizations are to blame for widespread poverty and social upheaval in Africa, hence justifying the installation of US military bases on the continent.

To achieve economic freedom, Julius Malema stated that they strongly support the protests in Kenya, urging them not to give up in their battle for economic justice.

They also asked the Kenyan government to stop employing violence during peaceful protests and enable residents to exercise their constitutional rights.

“The use of tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets against citizens exercising their

“We encourage the Kenyan government to disband the police and respect the people’s right to peaceful assembly.All those who have been arrested must be released immediately.”

The protests began on June 17 and are expected to gain traction this week to put pressure on Kenyan legislators to reject the Bill.

However, many young people have sustained injuries, and two have died.

Read also:- Matatu Owners Association Opposes the Finance Bill 2024

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