Kambu: Two suspects arrested for stealing a lorry

By Antynet Ford

Police in Kiambu have arrested two suspects in connection with the theft and vandalism of a lorry.

The two men were arrested from a garage and taken to Limuru police station, after a lorry that was reported stolen two months ago, was discovered at their garage having been dismantled.

Confirming the incident, Limuru deputy sub county police commander Paul Yato said the two were being interrogated by DCI officers.

The lorry owner Stephen Thiiru said the vehicle was stolen from a petrol station in Rironi on March 21.

“I reported the matter immediately. Its car track was dismantled moments after it went missing. It was hidden about 10km from where it was stolen,” Thiiru said.

A trader and a resident Stephen Mwangi popularly said there has been a theft of car parts at home in the area.

“Many residents have been waking up in the morning only to find their cars with missing side mirrors, headlights, bumpers, wipers and other items.” He said.

He urged the police to police to investigate the two suspects properly.

Yator urged residents to assist the detectives with information regarding the spare parts theft, so that they can eradicate the motor vehicle theft in the area.

“If you are a car thief, motor vehicle stolen spare parts seller or their agents, be warned that we are coming for you. Investigations will lead us to you. It is high time you change your business to do the genuine one.” Yator gave a  warning.

The parts of Thiiru’s recovered lorry were transported to Limuru police station, as detectives work to conclude their investigations.

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