Kirinyaga: 323 families affected by Floods as Redcross offers support

By Antynet Ford

Heavy rainfall over the last few days has affected at least 323 households in Thiba, Mwea West sub-county in Kirinyaga, Kenya Red Cross has reported.

Kenya Red Cross has announced that the households were adversely affected and efforts to support them are ongoing.

“Yesterday, we managed to register and support a good portion of them with essential items such as mosquito nets, blankets, sleeping mats, kitchen sets, and soap. The exercise will continue to reach more households today.” They said in a statement.

Over a couple of weeks, the country has been experiencing heavy rainfall that has left a trail of destruction.

The weatherman warned that most parts of the country will continue to record heavy downpours this week.

This is contained in the five-day forecast by the Kenya Metrological Department covering April 9 to April 13.

The weatherman said some counties especially those in Northeastern Kenya will record higher temperatures exceeding 30 degrees Celsius.

The counties include Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Isiolo, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu, Kilifi, Mombasa, Kwale and Turkana.

According to the weatherman, temperatures are likely to remain high (above 25°C) in parts of the Coast, North-eastern and North-western Kenya.

The forecast shows that counties in the Highlands East of the Rift Valley including Nairobi, Nyandarua, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Kiambu, Meru, Embu, and Tharaka Nithi will record rains over a few places in the morning.

Showers and thunderstorms will be experienced over several places in the afternoon paving the way for showers over several places at night.

Temperatures in these counties will be as high as 28 degrees Celsius during the day before dropping to as low as 10 degrees Celsius at night.

According to the forecast, counties in the North-eastern part of the country which include Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, and Isiolo will record temperatures as high as 38 degrees Celsius during the day and 16 degrees Celsius at night.

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