Koshien Baseball: Kamau and Bahati Emerge Best in the Tournament
By Shadrack Nyakoe
The two day’s Kenya Koshien Baseball tournament ended in great style at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) grounds with Daniel Kamau and Bahati Auma emerging the best outstanding players in the Boys and Girls category.
In attendance during the closing ceremony was Shinya Tomonari who is the President of Japan African baseball J-ABS, Basketball Federation of Kenya (BFK) president Benjamin Mutwiri,Technical Director Dedan Kariuki,and his Deputy George Wachira among other officials.
Both winners while displaying their trophies lauded BFK for honoring them with the glittering trophies amid thunderous cheers from their fans.
“I’m delighted to receive this lovely trophy. To me it means alot in my heart, it proves somebody somewhere recognizes my effort in the pitch. I believe we are all winners since everyone played a great role in spicing up the tournament” Kamau noted.

Kariuki (Technical director) said he was impressed by Mully school who were making their maiden appearance.
He described the school as a team to watch following their impressive display.
He further lauded coast based Bomu school for showing respect, obedience to the Umpires and setting up of their equipments while their fans showed great spirit of cheering.
The final game results for girls were as follows: St. Ann’s Musoli from Western- 14 runs while Nkaimurunya girls from Kajiado- 13 runs.
Final results for boys entailed: Nkaimurunya boys baseball team from Kajiado- 4 runs while the Friend’s School Kongoni boys baseball team got 1 run.
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