Ngei MCA questions change of Nairobi water land usage by Gigiri fire station

By Antynet Ford

Questions have been raised on whether proper procedure was followed when turning Land meant to build a water reservoir for Nairobi Water on the block adjacent to 94/56 to build a fire station in Gigiri.

In his request of a statement to the planning committee, Ngei MCA Redson Onyango requested for documents supporting the change of use of the said parcel of land to be made public.

Redson stated that Nairobi Water currently needs to build the said reservoir but they cannot after the land was taken over by Gigiri fire station.

“Adjacent to block 94/56 is designated for use by the existing Gigiri fire station and activities related to its operations. Adjacent to it there is a parcel owned by Nairobi Water that was set aside for the construction of a water reservoir but the county is constructing a fire station on it currently. Circumstances under which the land was turned is not clear as Nairobi water needs it for proper use.” He said.

He requested the committee to make it clear whether the interest of the public was considered when turning the said peace to land for the station.

According to Article 62 of the constitution, land public land including that of county governments needs to be protected.

The article prohibits disposing of or use of public land without following the right procedures provided in the Lands Act.

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