Roads leading to Nairobi Statehouse closed

By Antynet Ford

All Nairobi routes leading to the State House have been sealed off as protests erupt in various towns across the country.

Mamlaka Road has been barricaded near the University Way Roundabout.

No drivers or pedestrians are permitted to enter the vicinity.

The primary entrances to State House are currently inaccessible, with police tanks positioned around the compound. Water cannons have been strategically placed in the vicinity of State House, accompanied by a substantial police presence.

Authorities are being vigilant, denying entry to any vehicles attempting to approach State House Road. Only authorized security and media vehicles are being granted entry.

This comes after protesters took to the streets  in cities and towns across Kenya since last week Thursday, calling for President William Ruto to resign, even after he bowed to their demands to withdraw a tax hike bill.

In the 2024/25 bill, the Kenyan government wanted to raise $2.7 billion in additional taxes to reduce the budget deficit and borrowing.

Kenya’s public debt stands at 68% of GDP, higher than the 55% of GDP recommended by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Read also:- Gen Z protesters show up despite Ruto’s u-turn on finance bill

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