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Appreciating KWS Ranger Philip Wesa’s Act of Selfless Service to Deborah Nyaboke

The Ministry of Tourism & Wildlife applauds Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Ranger Philip Wesa’s selfless act of fulfilling disabled Deborah Nyaboke’s dream of visiting the Aberdare National Park and viewing the Chania Falls – by carrying her on his back during her school’s tour of the park.

It is such acts of altruistic sacrifice and great show of humility that give KWS, our disciplined forces and indeed our great Nation, the right image. We are absolutely proud of Officer Wesa and highly-recognize his efforts, plus the positive effect it had on Deborah, her fellow students, teachers and the entire country.

We have strongly recommended to the management of KWS to favourably consider promoting Philip, as we explore other avenues of sufficiently rewarding him for his rare and very humane action, which is quite rare in this day and age.

We urge all other KWS and other disciplined officers to emulate Philip’s attitude and actions, in order to improve service delivery to our people.

Once again, congratulations to Ranger Philip Wesa for reminding us that we all exist to serve others, especially the less fortunate in our society.

Bravo Philip.

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