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Ecobank Kenya Donates KES 10 Million Towards Covid-19 Emergency Response

Ecobank Kenya Limited has today donated KES 10 million towards the fight of the spread and impact of the Coronavirus in Kenya. The money will be channeled through the recently formed Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund.

Ecobank’s donation follows the Government’s appeal to individuals, corporate entities, development partners and multinational institutions to support the Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund — formed to spearhead mobilization of resources for an emergency response towards containing the spread, effects and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya.

In his remarks, Ecobank Kenya MD & Regional Executive Central, Eastern and Southern Africa (CESA) Cheikh Travaly said, “As part of the community, we are happy to support the Government’s call for all of us to unite in containing a pandemic that continues to ravage our society. We believe that our contribution will go a long way in supporting the purchase of the much-needed medical facilities and crucial equipment necessary for the containment of this disease.”

A fortnight ago, the Pan African Bank announced measures it has taken to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and customers across the country. This includes temperature screening for staff and customers, promoting awareness about Covid-19, implementation of a work from home programme for staff and review of loan terms for customers distressed by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cheikh lauded efforts by the government, emergency response teams and all frontline staff across the country working hard to prevent the spread of the deadly virus and preserve lives.

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