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Free parking on Saturdays for private motor vehicles in Nairobi for six months

By Antynet Ford

Private motorists in Nairobi City County will be exempted from paying parking fees for the next six months.

A gazette notice by the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Finance and Economic Planning Charles Kerich dated December 1, 2023, indicated that the offer will last upto the end of the 2023/2024 financial year.

“In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5(2) of the Nairobi City County Tax Waivers Administration Act 2013, the CEC Finance and Economic Planning in concurrence with the governor NCCG waives parking fees for all private motorists in Nairobi on Saturdays until June 30, 2024.” The gazette notice stated in part.

This comes after governor Sakaja had earlier indicated the waving of parking fees during the weekend in an aim to boost business in the City’s Central Business District and make it more vibrant.

“IT will encourage business establishments to open up during the weekend and provide residents with an opportunity to transact during the weekends.” Sakaja previously said.

It is not clear the strength in terms of impact by the directive on the parking revenue of the city which recently in the last six months increased to Sh 7873 million which is an increase compared to the same period for the financial year 2022/23.

Nairobi’s 2023 Finance Act increased the parking fees for salon cars from Sh 200 to Sh300 while vans and pick-ups parking fees was increased from Sh200 to Sh500 as Lorries and minibuses weighing five tonnes and above paying Sh3,000 from the previous Sh1,000.

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