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Kindiki announces creation of 31 new administrative Units to enhance service delivery

By Antynet Ford

Interior and Internal Affairs Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has announced the creation of new administrative units in 31 counties to enhance service delivery.

Kindiki announced the new units in a special gazette notice dated February 14.

“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 14(1) of the National Government Coordination Act, 2013, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration establishes the following Administrative Units as service delivery co-ordination units.” The notice stated in part.

The CS is today expected in Eldas Constituency, Wajir County to launch one of the newly created Eldas South Sub County.

The units are run by National Administration officers who include the Regional Commissioner, County Commissioners, Sub County Commissioners, Assistant County Commissioners, Chiefs, and their assistants.

Regional Commissioners usually chair security meetings and other national administration issues.

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The former provincial administration was restructured to accommodate the new commissioners.

The Regional Commissioners replaced Provincial Commissioners in the new dispensation.

National Administration is one of the Departments in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government with a staff complement of 12,575, which includes eight Regional Coordinators, 47 County Commissioners, 289 Deputy County Commissioners, 831 Assistant County Commissioners, 3,256 Chiefs, and 8,145 Assistant Chiefs.

The numbers have since increased with the creation of the new units by subsequent officials, which is generally seen as being political.

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