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Menengai Oil Refineries To Step Up On Coronavirus Fight In The Country

By CW Correspondent

Menengai Oil Refineries Limited (MORL) has announced plans to step up the production of soap and hand sanitizers to ensure that there is enough to supply the whole country during this trying period of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic.

The company announced the plans to continue steering the fight during a visit to the factory by Nakuru County Governor H.E Lee Kinyanjui where they donated cartons of Menengai Cream bar soap, Kibuyu bar soap, Top Fry vegetable oil and Somo cooking oil to the governor for issue to the less fortunate Kenyans during this difficult period.

The General Manager Mr. Nishil Sanghrajka gave assurance of the company’s commitment to continue lending a helping hand.

“We heed the call by the government to come forward as corporates to support the fight against the coronavirus. We will continue to stand at the forefront to help those in need which is our current focus now.” He said.

The governor, Mr. Lee Kinyajui acknowledged Menengai Oil Refineries coming forward during this period as it is very critical. He called up the members of the public to corporate with the government in order that life can resume to what it used to be.

“We encourage Menengai Oil Refineries for embracing innovation in order to continue their operations in the wake of this pandemic.”

He called on the members of the public to abide by the regulations put in place by the Ministry of Health.

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