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Nyota Ndogo announces birth of her third born with Mzungu hubby

By Antynet Ford

Coast-based artist Nyota Ndogo and her Mzungu husband announced the birth of their son.

Th singer shared the photo of her third born on her social handles describing him as her heir.

“Karibu nyumbani mwanangu.ila hii rangi sinitaambiwa nimechiti.yani umeamua nywele ndio uchukue ya baba rangi ndio hii yetu.karibu abdalla.(URITHI TUNAO).(Welcome home, my child. But with the colour, will I not be told I have cheated?”) She joked

“You have decided that you could only take the colour of his hair and pick my skin colour. Welcome Abdalla.”

Nyota Ndogo announced her pregnancy in 2023. She also asked the media to only ask her questions concerning her music and not her pregnancy as her hubby did not want her to reveal details.

“Ahsanteni kwa hongera zenu.lakini media mtanisamehe mume wangu amesema hataki kuniona kwenye kituo chochote cha radio, TV ama police nikiongelea hali endapo nitatoa nyimbo interview iwe ya mimi na mziki wangu na sio ujauzito wangu.ama nisitoe mpaka nijifungue.”

She has two other kids who are teenagers.

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