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Two killed, two injured after a trailer rammed into motorcycles on a head-on

By Antynet Ford

Two people have been killed while two are nursing serious injuries after an accident involving a trailer and two motorcycles in Mai Mahiu.

The tragic incident happened near Mai Mahiu town where two motorcycles each with one passenger clashed head-on throwing two occupants under the trailer that ran over them crushing them to death.

In the process, the two died on the spot while the other two were left nursing serious injuries and were rushed to the nearby health centre before being referred to Naivasha sub-county hospital.

According to a witness Dan Kibe, one of the motorcycles rider was overtaking the ill-fated trailer when it rammed head-on with another motorcycle.

In the process, one of the operators and a pillion passenger were thrown right under the trailer which in turn ran over them as residents screamed in horror.

“The two died on the spot while the other two were seriously injured and are admitted in hospital in serious condition. “He testified.

Confirming the incident, Naivasha OCPD Stephen Kirui said the bodies had been collected and taken to Naivasha sub-county hospital mortuary.

“Two people riding on two different motorcycles were run over and killed by a trailer near Mai Mahiu town. I call upon drivers and all road users to be keen while on the road.” He said.

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