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Kenyans Applying for TSC Numbers Express Frustrations over Workers’ Reluctance and Slow Services

By Shadrack Nyakoe

Kenyans Applying for TSC numbers have expressed their frustrations on social media while exposing the rot at Teacher’s Service Commission offices.

They allege that TSC numbers take ages to be processed.

“Visiting the headquarters doesn’t help, the guy at counter 8, which is mandated with registration, only serves two people per hour as he keeps appearing and disappearing.

Even after queing for long, one is always told to go home and check their email. Calling customer care number, if they pick- which is a miracle, they always say piga Kesho. We are losing job opportunities because TSC can’t process the numbers,” a lady applying for the number lamented on social media.

An Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) graduate from Masinde Muliro University applied for the number and it was declined alleging that the University is not certified to offer the course.

“I graduated in 2019 with a diploma in ECDE at Masinde Muliro University but it’s a loss for the person who paid my school fees because TSC has rendered the certificate useless. I cannot recover my time and apparently can’t afford to take myself back to school because I’m already a mother. I wish the government through president William Ruto could intervene to save us from these disappointments,” Rose Afandi a graduate from Masinde Muliro posted.

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