By Antynet Ford
Nairobians have been urged to be responsible for the waste they generate, noting that waste management is not only a County responsibility but a shared responsibility by the waste generator and the County Government.
According to the Chief Officer in charge of the Environment Hibrahim Otieno, the county faces a big challenge of illegal dumping, and it is high time they are responsible.
“The biggest challenge we face as a county is illegal dumping. We need to get to a point where people are responsible for their waste by dumping the waste they generate in waste collection designated areas set up by the City County.” Hibrahim said.
Otieno mentioned that the County engages closely with environmental Community-Based Organizations in waste collection where the county provides cleaning tools and trucks to transport waste collected to the final disposal point.
“Community-based organizations dealing with waste are part of the County. We give them recognition letters to enable them to do their work.
We support them whenever they want to carry out any clean-up exercise and also link them with waste recyclers. In addition, we provide red soil and tree seedlings for the youth willing to undertake tree planting initiatives.” He added.
He added that in the future waste will be of more value where it will be used for income generation by creating jobs in the recycling industry thereby making a positive impact on society and the environment.