How CS Miano Revitalizes Kenya’s Tourism and Wildlife Sectors with Innovation and Strategic Initiatives

By Shadrack Nyakoe

Rebecca Miano’s tenure as Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife has already been marked by impactful leadership and progressive initiatives.

Since taking over the ministry, she has tackled urgent wildlife challenges, such as resolving the hyena menace in Juja, and she has worked closely with Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to ensure human-wildlife coexistence.

Her approach to the sector emphasizes creativity and innovation, as reflected in her vision of re-imagining tourism to make Kenya “the Shangri-La of Africa.”

Miano has spearheaded key initiatives, including the celebration of World Tourism Week, where she opened national parks to Kenyans free of charge.

She also introduced nine regional tourism circuits to promote domestic and international tourism by focusing on emerging niches like adventure, eco-tourism, and wellness.

In wildlife conservation, Miano has been instrumental in efforts to save the endangered northern white rhino, with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques offering hope for the species’ revival.

She also led a successful elephant translocation project to protect the environment and improve human-wildlife relations.

Read also:- How CS Miano Aims to Boost Kenya’s Tourism Sector

Strategic planning has been a priority under Miano’s leadership, with the launch of KWS’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and the Wildlife Research and Training Institute’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

These documents aim to shape the future of conservation and tourism in Kenya, aligning with Miano’s broader goal of attracting 2.5 million tourists by year-end.

Her proactive and innovative efforts are transforming Kenya’s tourism and wildlife sectors, earning widespread recognition.

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