Nyanza ACK bishops ban politics in Churches, funerals

By Antynet Ford

The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Bishops from the Nyanza region have reiterated their opposition to politics in churches and funerals throughout the area.

The church authorities stated that funeral services and church gatherings are not political forums, and they will not allow leaders to discuss politics on such occasions.

The clergy urged ACK member churches in the region not to allow politicians to use church pulpits for political purposes.

In a united statement, the bishops warned leaders not to use church funds as bait to discuss politics in church, saying they could keep their offerings.

The bishops stated that contributing to the church as a political bribe is sinful and should be avoided at all costs.

They urged politicians in the Nyanza region to respect such lines of interaction because church leaders do not interfere with political affairs.

Speaking after a prayer session in Nyakach, religious leaders emphasized that funerals should be left to mourners and bereaved families, and that officials should not convert them into political rallies.

The Bishops were Rev. Dr. Joshua Owiti (Maseno East), Rev. Dr. Simon Onyango (Southern Nyanza), Rev. John Orina (Upper Southern Nyanza), Rev. Mark Godia (Maseno West), Rev. Charles Onginjo (Maseno South), Rev. Dr. Emily Onyango (Bondo), and Prof. David Kodia from Bondo.


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