Police battle anti-tax protesters amid call for ‘total shutdown’

By Antynet Ford

Thousands of Protesters in Nairobi are in the grip of nationwide protest against rise of taxes in the 2024 finance bill in a planned ‘total shutdown’.

Earlier during the protest today, police officers used teargas and water cannons to disperse protesters who were marching towards the national assembly but one of the water cannons was overpowered by the furious protesters who punctured it at Kenyatta Avenue.

Several people have been injured including journalists and their equipment broken.

The demonstrators chanted songs saying they are peaceful asking the police to go slow on them insisting that it is for their benefit too.

“We are peaceful! We are peaceful.” They chanted.

“This demonstrations mean good for you too because you will all be affected by the rise of taxes.” The protesters urged the police.

Police officers were accused of using live bullets on anti-tax protesters; Police Inspector General Japhet Koome and police spokesperson Resila Onyango did not respond to the request of comments.

Kenyans are assembling under the banner of “7 Days of Rage,” as the country prepares for further days of unrest.

Protesters say rise in taxes will hurt the economy raising the cost of living while Kenyans are already struggling.

President William Ruto who is almost two years in office was elected to help Kenyans of low income has repeatedly faced anti-tax protest which he has since defended saying it is to help reduce the reliance on borrowing.

On Tuesday, the assembly adopted the finance bill 2024 in a record time of less than two hours making it the most hurriedly passed finance bill without opposition as the Azimio allied MPs dropped their suggested amendments.

Last week Thursday, the bill passed after the second reading with 204 members of parliament voting yes and 115 voted No.

Tuesday anti-tax protesters come as president Ruto early this week said he is ready to have a dialogue with the protesters saying he is ‘proud’ of the Gen Z who are the leaders of the protest.

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However, security forces have been accussed of forcefully abducting people championing the protests on social media with their whereabouts being unknown.

Those abducted include bloggers, content creators, human right defenders and a parliament staff whom the assembly speaker has directed the majority leader to consult with the IG to establish his whereabouts and reasons for his abduction.

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