Widow of the late Kibor in court over alleged eviction

By Antynet Ford

Eunita Kibor, the youngest and fourth widow of the late Eldoret farmer and politician Jackson Kibor has moved to the High Court seeking protection after an alleged eviction from her matrimonial home along with her four children.

Eunice Kibor said  they are now facing threats of being evicted from the 300-acre Mafuta farm given to her by Kibor before his death.

In her application to the court filed as urgent, Eunita and her children claimed that Kibor’s other sons and daughters have ganged up to frustrate her and ensure she loses all her inheritance.

She alleged that her step-children have acted in breach of an active court order restraining any of the beneficiaries from inter-meddling with the estate.

However, all the accused have filed their responses and they accuse Eunita of interfering with the estate and disobeying court orders.

Kibor left behind a vast estate valued at more than Sh16 billion, which is at the centre of a vicious succession battle involving his widows and children.

Read also:- https://corporatewatch.co.ke/court-sets-sonko-16-others-free-in-357m-graft-case/

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